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Create a function that only executes once


You want to be sure that the logic inside a function is executed only once.


  • a self-defining function


  1. Given: a function that is called twice, but should not do anything the second time it is called.

    function printSomething() {
    printSomething();            // (1) Ok
    printSomething();            // (2) Should not be allowed
  2. Add a variable to memorize if the function has been called.

    function printSomething() {
      let called = false;
  3. If it is false, then return undefined.

    function printSomething() {
      let called = false;
      if(called) {
        return undefined;
  4. … otherwise set the variable to true

    function printSomething() {
      let called = false;
      if(called) {
        return undefined;
      } else {
        called = true;
  5. … execute the remaining logic of the function …

    function printSomething() {
      let called = false;
      if(called) {
        return undefined;
      } else {
        called = true;
  6. … and overwrite the function to do nothing.

    function printSomething() {
      let called = false;
      if(called) {
        return undefined;
      } else {
        called = true;
        printSomething = function() {};
  7. Voilá, now if printSomething() is called a second time, it simply does nothing.

    printSomething();        // (1) Ok
    printSomething();        // (2) Does nothing


  8. A function that overwrite itself is also called a self-defining function.

Alternative recipes

  • In tomorrow’s recipe we will see how to further improve the shown recipe.